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Date: January 3rd 2015

Best Time By A Dam Site"



All bands play from 9pm-1am

January 9th & 10th Crows Run
January 16th Mr. Lucky
January 17th Side Effect
January 23rd & 24th Sound Bite
January 30th Joshua Lee Nelson Band
January 31st Government Cheese

What’s Cookin’

Home Cooking every Wednesday Night from 6-11pm

January 7th Stuffed Peppers
January 14th Swiss Steak
January 21st Steak Diablo
January 28th Stuffed Pork Chop

Don't forget about our weekly specials:

Monday is Italian Night, Spaghetti or Chicken Parmesan
Tuesday is Taco Night
Thursday is Pizza Night!
Fish every Friday
Southern Fried Chicken Every Saturday


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